Monday 8 November 2021


"The children attending Bedford Church Select Bible-classes and the Day and Sunday Schools were favoured with fine weather on the occasion of their annual outings to Woodbury Common\.  The members of the Select Bible classes. numbering 90. went on Saturday, and the Day and Sunday Schools. numbering 130, on Monday.

On both occasions the parties were conveyed in breaks and wagonettes, supplied by Mr, Bickford, of the Bedford Mews, and great praise is due to the drivers for the careful way in which they did their work, the journeys there and back each day being accomplished without a hitch,

It is needless to say that one and all thoroughly enjoyed the drives.  The hedges, with the wild rose and honeysuckle in full bloom, and the newly-mown fields added fragrance to the beauty of the scene.  On ariving at Black-hill at 3 o'clock it was found that the bracing air had sharpened the appetites of the young folk, and each one was speedily served with a substantial ham sandwich, after which the company resolved itself into small parties, which roamed over the moor and through the woods, returning at 4.30 p.m. for tea.

The remainder of the days was spent in various games, prizes for which had generouly been given by members of the congregation.  Two of the prizes on Saturday were specially valuable, one being a pair of hand-embroidered braces and the other a silver pencil-case, the gift of the wardens.  The amusements and recreations were brought to an end by the ascent of fire-balloons after which the homeward journey was begun.

Bedford Church was reached at about 10 o'clock, and the enjoyable outings were brought to a close by the parties before leaving the breaks standing up and singing the Doxology." 

Glory, what an image!   At ten o'clock on that Monday, one hundred and thirty boys and girls in Bedford Square, were standing up on their 'breaks and wagonettes' and singing the Doxology! 

"Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!"

Source: The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, 26th June, 1889.

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