Saturday 20 November 2021


It was a sunny day in July and there has been a picnic for the working men of Exeter.  The Exeter Flying Post reports:

"The annual pic-nic of the Exeter Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society was held on Monday afternoon on the beautiful grounds of Stoke House, the residence of E.A.Sanders Esq. on the Old Tiverton-road.

"Tea, dancing, Militia and Rifle Corps music, kissing in the ring, archery, smoking and Aunt Sally were the amusements of the day, and in this way a very pleasant afternoon and evening werre passed by upwards of 2,000 persons.

"At the close of the day's amusements Mr.Sanders addressed the assemblage, expressing his entire satisfactiion with the manner in which they had all behaved, his cordial approval of the objects of the society, and promising a contribution of £10 towards its funds.  Three hearty cheers were given in response.  The band struck up, amid the cheering, 'For he's a jolly good fellow,' and in the most hilarious of spirits the assemblage quitted the grounds." 

2000 respectable, one feels, persons, working men and their wives and children, enjoying themselves without, it would seem, alcohol  but with a beneficent philanthropist  How the world has changed. 

Kiss in the ring sounds fun but I fear you had to be little to play. 

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