Monday 1 January 2024


 On Monday 4th October, 1841, Mary Anne Short, a servant of Mr. Moon of Northbrook Farm, was tripping along the footpath through the fields on her way to Exeter when she was met by wicked Jabez Orchard, a lad who had only been let out of gaol the week before.  Jabez was.... "in company with four others of like bad character - who stopped her,  when Orchard seized her round the waist, and ill used her, - threw her down, and endeavoured to to rob her of her shawl,  which was torn, and only saved by the firm manner in which it was fastened on her person."  

Mary Anne was only saved  from goodness knows what fate by two men from Topsham who intervened and secured Orchard.  He was summarily brought before magistrates at the Castle and was imprisoned for three weeks.

This above was reported in The Western Times of  9th October, 1841.   One of the interventionists  is never mentioned again but the next Saturday The Times'  Topsham correspondent reported as follows:

"The person who last week took into custody Jabez Orchard, for the assault on Ann Short, the servant of Mr. Richard Moon, of Northbrook, is Mr Robert Swain of this town.

"The conduct of this individual deserves the greatest praise, when it is considered he had to contend for nearly  an hour with five notoriously bad characters, and succeeded  in capturing and lodging in gaol the one who had thus so ill-treated an unprotected female.

"Mr. Swain has been prevailed upon to undertake the duties of a constable, and was sworn into office on Friday last, by the Magistrates, at the Castle of Exeter."

Well, there you are now!  - no sending Mr Swain to Police College to learn Sociology, Kindness &c.  He had handled Jabez Orchard and four other bad characters and , without delay, he had then been head-hunted and sworn into office.

It is no doubt most often more odious than odorous to make comparisons,  -  but I find it fun!  

I watched last week on YouTube a hilarious clip of three, fat U.S, policewomen trying  for five minutes to secure one young American, no doubt a bad character, and failing dismally.

I saw, moreover, lately, two, lovely, young, petite policewomen, patrolling Exeter, laughing and chattering to each other  just like, it seemed to me, two delightful, innocent maids from school.

Well now:  -  if I were tripping over the fields and Jabez Orchard and his gang chose to rough me up,   I think I'd rather see Robert Swain of Topsham town coming over the horizon than any of the aforementioned.

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