Monday 5 July 2021


One hundred and sixty Electors of the City of Exeter met at Clench's New London Inn on Monday 3rd December 1832,  for an elegant and sumptuous dinner and to support Mr. W. W. Follett, the Tory candidate.  Mr Follett had much to say - all stirring stuff!   This was his take on patriotism:  

"Everything that can take us back to the history of ancient times - everything that can take us back from the time of our Edwards, ought to be carefully preserved.  After the flag of our country has, for a thousand years, braved "the battle and the breeze,"  shall we say, we care not for past ages, we belong not to other times?  I know not what patriotism is, if it is not built upon the history of our country, upon the recollection of the deeds of our immortal forefathers.  (Cheers.)   

"It is not the land of England that makes us patriots;  it is the history from which we learn the origin and progress of our free institutions, which are our glory and the glory of the world - it is the knowledge of what our fathers were that makes us what we are.  What Englishman is there, on looking back to other times, who will say, that the sons, if necessary, will not do what their fathers did? - (Loud cheers.)"

Mr, Follett, who was born in Topsham and schooled at Exeter and who was soon to be knighted and twice to be the Solicitor General, was unsuccessful in the 1832 election but it clearly wasn't for want of panache.

Source:  The Exeter and Plymouth Gazette,  8th December, 1832.

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